Licensing and Legalizing real estate, Specai has the necessary knowledge of all rules, regulations and applicable legislation. After analyzing the process of each property, Specai prepares an Action Plan to determine all the necessary procedures for its legalization/licensing. After collecting all the documents that identify each property – Certificates from the Land Registry Office, Urban and Rustic Land Registers, Location Plans, Topographic Surveys – and after consulting the restrictions associated with its location, imposed by the Municipal Urbanism Plans, the Municipal Master Plans (PDM’s), the National Agricultural Reserve (RAN), and the National Ecological Reserve (REN), all the necessary documentation is prepared – Architectural Projects, Specialty Projects, Requirements, Descriptive Memories, Terms of Responsibility, Cost Estimates, Electric, Acoustic, Thermal, ITED Certificates. If it is necessary to carry out works, a Map of Quantities of Works is prepared, carrying out a Market Consultation and a Technical and Commercial Analysis of the proposals received. After selecting the Contractor, all the necessary documentation is gathered for the issuance of the Works License or Special Finishing License, namely the Work Book, providing for its opening, as well as the documents associated with the Contractor, namely permits, insurance and work management . At the same time, the Horizontal Property and Police Number Processes are produced. All these processes culminate in obtaining the License for Use and the deposit of the Housing Technical File.
The Legalization and Licensing of your properties in the hands of those who know…